Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Existence Matrix

Fractals are mathematical constructs formed by repeating particular patterns. When given colour and effects, they are nothing short of work of arts.Where at first random in appearance, these patterns give rise to astonishing repetitiveness. Explained in Jurassic Park written by Michael Chrichton (reworded) a stone is a generally random shape - however, keep combining stones and you have emergence of a pattern such that the overall feel andlook of a mountain is still just a very large stone. Patterns in chaos, chaos in patterns. Much of existence follows these strange principals- repeating motifs created by what ought to be chaotic forces. Said beautifully once - there is no chaos nor order, merely differing levels of complexity.

(Images retrieved from check it out for more awesome pics)

Existence is a lot of patterns. Mathematicians dream of discovering the ultimate equation that will completely draw out the meaning of everything. Perhaps you think that the level of computation is too great for you and you don't see how it affects your daily life - and maybe you are right.

But everyday, every second, we are part of that equation. From the reactions in your brains to whether you want to ask a girl out for dinner to your opinion of the wars in the Middle East and not least of all Death. Nothing escapes this equation. This equation I term God. Everyone has their own terms for it and their own opinions. Whatever you want to call it or think of it, will not change the equation and perversely is a part of the equation.

Coming from a very male orientated view point, I am more comfortable when I perceive things as systems, equations and logical flow charts. From psychology to art - I believe there are mathematics behind everything. If you understood the equations you can master the system of anything. However, that is only one way of perception. Everyone has their own perception and mental tools to count the occurrences of daily life.

In conclusion, whatever is studied on this blog is always part of a great equation, the workings of the universe, God, karma, randomness, whatever you want to call it. Because whatever you want to call it, even if you hate the idea of God, the speed of light is 3*10^8 and 1+1=2 and there are things great and immutable far beyond your imagination.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the fractals, hon, but I can foresee that I will get lost in the mathematical maze. I'll keep reading though, and I'll let you know how I go :P